
    Complete Guide to The Sims 2 Cheats for Legacy Edition (Updated)

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    The Sims 2 Legacy Edition brings back beloved cheats that fans remember fondly. If you’re revisiting this classic life simulation game, these cheats will help you enhance your gameplay experience. Whether you’re looking to add simoleons, improve your sims’ lives, or explore advanced cheats, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list for you!

    How to Use Cheats in The Sims 2 Legacy Edition
    To activate cheats, press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. Type in the desired cheat code and hit Enter. Some codes are case-sensitive, so ensure you input them exactly as shown. Once activated, you can make your Sims’ lives much easier or more exciting!

    Sims 2 cheats

    Popular The Sims 2 Cheat Codes

    • kaching: Adds 1,000 Simoleons
    • motherlode: Adds 50,000 Simoleons
    • familyFunds [Last Name] [Amount]: Sets a family’s funds to the specified amount
    • maxMotives: Fills all needs for every Sim on the lot
    • motiveDecay [on/off]: Toggles need decay
    • aging [on/off]: Stops or starts aging for all Sims
    • disablePuppyKittenAging [on/off]: Toggles pet aging

    Advanced Cheats for The Sims 2

    • aspirationLevel [0-5]: Adjust a Sim’s aspiration level
    • aspirationPoints [Amount]: Adds aspiration points to your Sim
    • setHour [0-23]: Set the time of day
    • moveObjects on: Allows you to move or delete any object on the lot
    • stretchSkeleton [Multiplier]: Resize your Sim (e.g., 1.5 doubles height)
    • boolProp testingcheatsenabled true: Unlocks shift-click cheats
    Sims 2 cheats

    Interface-Based Cheats

    To activate interface cheats, use boolProp testingcheatsenabled true in the console. This opens additional shift-click options to modify Sim behaviors, relationships, and more. Some shift-click actions include:

    • Set Age: Choose a Sim’s current life stage
    • Set Birthday: Instantly age up your Sim
    • Make All Happy: Fulfill all needs for the household

    The Sims 2 Legacy Edition retains the charm and creativity of the original with enhanced cheat codes. By using these cheats, you can fully control your Sims’ fate and explore every possibility the game has to offer.


    Nathan Kade
    Nathan Kade
    Nathan R. Kade is a writer and gaming enthusiast with a passion for covering the latest in gaming, technology, and pop culture. With a keen eye for industry trends and an analytical approach to reviews, he delivers insightful content that keeps readers informed and engaged. Whether breaking down the mechanics of a new game, exploring the evolution of gaming franchises, or diving into tech innovations, Nathan brings a fresh and thoughtful perspective.